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L.A. Habana /Cuba Printmaking Exchange

So I spent a week in Cuba with 4 other artists: Delilah Montoya, Miyo Stevens, Dalila Paola Mendez, & Rogelio Gutierrez and I am still just processing the whirlwind of adventures.... Cause let me tell you, with our boots on the ground once we landed, it was GO GO GO. After a week of no wifi or cell services in Habana, Cuba, with so much focus and concentration to produce an edition of 20 prints in 5 days, using minimum supplies and presses you'd find in a museum, there were many, many times i had to use Xican@/Cuban@ methods to work out key elements to make the work happen.

....And I never drank so much espresso in the form of 'cortadito' in all my life... 😊

The printers at the Taller Experimental de Grafica which began in 1962 in La Habana Vieja en Cuba are badass. With such a rich and amazing art community there, I can say our "people to people exchange" was truly authentic. It's clear they inspired us. I also think we inspired them as well and it was truly humbling to be working with these skilled artists with their genius and generosity, especially since they are able to make the most amazing work with the tiniest amount of resources.

On our last day I remember a tourist approaching me while working at the taller. Many of us were really excited after finishing our editions. After translating to help him understand one of the artists he said, "This looks like a happy place! It makes ME happy!" So I hope sharing this makes you happy too.❤

There are so many people who made our experience possible. The list is so long: A big thank you to the people of Self Help Graphics & Art and the incredible generosity of MOLAA and the Richardson Center for Global Engagement. Muchisimas Gracias to all the artists at the Taller Experimental de Grafica and to my family and friends for supporting and encouraging me. Mil gracias to Stewart Ashman & his wife Peggy Gaustad who's vision brought us here and for taking such good care of us during our stay.

Mi casa es su casa ❤

‪#‎LAHabana2015‬ ‪#‎LAHabana‬ ‪#‎shg1970‬ ‪#‎habanacuba‬ ‪#‎grabado‬ ‪#‎arteesvida‬‪#‎gratitude‬ ‪#‎printmaking‬ ‪#‎cuba‬ ‪#‎talleryque‬ ‪#‎TallerExperimentaldeGrafica‬‪#‎makeartnomatterwhat‬ ‪#‎MOLAA‬

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