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ELEMENTARY ARTS ED w/ Ms Alarcón: Circle Murals w/ Kindergarten

Margaret 'Quica' Alarcon

One of my favorite ways to teach cooperation among Kindergarteners (5-6 year olds) is through a Circle 'Mural' Project. I was inspired by this Korean artist and teacher named Hiep Nguyen, who originally developed circle painting workshops as a way to make painting more accessible:

I like to stand in a circle with my students and talk about circles, sharing, overlapping shapes and describe some murals we have seen. A children's book about murals or the cycle of life complements the lesson really well. This project is actually great for any age.

So, then we practiced making circles and what it means to make new shapes when overlapping shapes and lines, and coloring them in. Then we switch papers with our neighbors and add to their designs in thoughtful ways using a vocabulary that invites discussion: "what do you think if I overlap this circle with a heart? I like this color here, what do you think? May I overlap your shape with a triangle? Thank you."

Then when we are done practicing I lay out giant pieces of butcher paper and everyone gets a tub of paint with it's own brush. Students must make a circle first and work together to fill in all the white spaces of the paper with color, shapes and lines. They trade colors with each other respectfully and ask permission when overlapping. The students absolutely love it and everyone is so happy to work together and when they see the final result... the Ooohs and Aaahs are so rewarding. I love teaching art. It feels like I remind them of some beautiful vision they have inside. Something they can all share.

Enjoy the colors of the world and make art, not war.

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