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Updated: May 8, 2020

Hello art students and parents !

I hope you are all well and safe. I know things have not been easy since life has changed so much for us all.

Good art is Good Medicine. So making art or being creative is one healthy way to learn a skill and bring something beautiful to the world.

I truly miss making art with students in our beautiful art room. For now, it is my wish that you are able to enjoy some of the visual art lessons in this newsletter/blog.

Since it can be very challenging for some of us to purchase supplies, I have designed lessons that focus on our drawing practice. This can be done with whatever supplies you can gather. Drawing is excellent practice for any person but especially for young developing minds.

Some of the lessons are more challenging than others, so please, choose lessons you can and want to practice. I encourage students to try doing lessons made for other ages/grade levels if they look like fun. Art making supports the limbic system of the brain. That's why it is great practice to review basic and challenging skills.

May these activities allow you learn, create, explore, inspire and grow!

Your Elementary Art Teacher,

-Ms. Alarcon

I would appreciate any donation to help keep this blog going and growing!


Please contact me for an original art work commission :)

Thank you for your support!

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